Korean TV dramas generally depict poor girls falling for rich men; the kdrama Encounter flips that with an ordinary, free-spirited guy falling for a wealthy older woman when they meet by chance in an exotic place. Together the lead actors make one of the most heart-breaking romantic couples I've ever seen in a series, which is probably why Encounter was so successful. The unusual story starts off when rich hotel CEO Cha Soo-hyeong (Song Hye-kyo) travels to Cuba to sign a contract to build a hotel there, and crosses the path of vacationing fruit seller Kim Jin-hyuk (Park Bo-gum). She's in an accident that damages his beloved vintage camera, and later he prevents her from taking a bad fall when she passes out. The two then spend a wonderful romantic evening together eating, drinking and even dancing. They plan to meet again the next day, but circumstances prevent that, and the two have to go their separate ways. Back in Korea Jin-hyuk learns he's landed a job at Don...