Every morning and evening I take a walk with each of our pups, which adds up to about two miles every day. I always walk the same path from our house to our front entrance turn and back because it has a slight incline (good for my legs) and there are usually no people around, which makes my dogs happy. I clean up after my pups, but I also pick up any trash I see. It's something I can do to help keep our neighborhood clean, and it's easy enough. On this particular morning last month I found six different drink containers littering the road, which sadly is not unusual. Some were covered in ants, which I shook off before I put them in my bag. One of the containers I picked up was a heavy duty aluminum cup with the words "Infinitely Recyclable" on it, which I thought was pretty ironic. Too many people who drive along my walking route just drop whatever trash they have instead of properly disposing of it. I washed it out and tried to bend it back into ...