The surprises kept coming out of the box of fabric I thrifted for my friend's quilting class. This pile of dark blue velveteen scraps equals about a yard, and as she only needs quilting cottons she gave it to me for my textile art.
I'm also keeping all the cross stitch pieces we found mixed in with the fabric. The needlework is fabulous, and I really can't believe someone donated such pretty pieces.
A sampler with lambs, bunnies and beautiful colors.
There was even a Santa sampler. I'm going to frame and hang the samplers, and incorporate the smaller pieces in my calendar quilting project for next year.
Finally we hauled out four yards of 90" wide cram colored canvas, which I will also be keeping as it's too heavy for my friend's needs. To make up the different I let her raid my yardage stash, and she now has enough fabric to supply two classes.
I'm not going to try to put a value on this lot, as the hand stitched pieces to me are priceless. I can tell you that the Spoonflower fabrics retail for $34.00 per yard, which will give you a ballpark idea of how valuable it is. I paid $15.99 for the entire lot, which came in well under my friend's $20.00 budget.
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