As I mentioned last week, a friend asked me to source fifteen yards of thrifted fabric for a beginner textile art class she's teaching at her community center. Any type of fabric will do, she said, if I can stay within her tiny budget, which resulted in a new round of wannabuts (thrifts I want but only at the minimum price.) Whatever is left over will be gifted to the students.
Here's the first fabric lot, which includes what looks like some vintage embroidered pieces. It's 11 lbs., which is roughly 33 yards, so there should be plenty for her to work with in the class. Did I win it for the minimum bid? I sure did!
The second lot is more quilting cottons, with obviously new pieces judging by the tags. This lot is 6 lbs., or approximately 18 yards. The result for bidding minimum on this lot was? I lost it. It went for $17.56.
I guessed that I probably wouldn't get this 12 lbs. box of quilting cottons -- and I was right. The winning bid ended up being a whopping $31.55.
Out of the three I did win one for my friend, which was exactly what I'd hoped. By only bidding the minimum as my max I also stayed in her budget, which made us both quite happy.
All the images in this post came from the original auction listings at
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