I can never resist a good mystery, especially at thrift prices. I bid on a lot of five women's tops, new with tags, all in my size. The listing only showed the five Noracora shipping bags they were in, but I liked the colors and decided to roll the dice. I won the lot with no challengers.
All of the tops are brand new and were probably never removed from their shipping bags (they still had tissue paper inserts.) They're all a cotton jersey blend, all with neat prints and styling. This is the fast fashion problem I've been seeing as a thrifter -- women are ordering clothes but never wearing them. At least the original owner donated them, but more often than not these are the clothes that end up in landfills. And they're brand new, never worn. Well, at least these five will be worn.
All of them fit me perfectly, although I may alter the white floral here on the right to be a bit more modest, and the blue/striped/animal print on the left will likely become a pajama top.
Noracora's tops run from $15 to $40, and since these are brand new the lot is probably worth at least $100. I paid $8.99 for the lot. Savings: $91.01.
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