When I saw this lot of vintage embroidery threads go up for auction I decided to bid as most were blending filaments, which I have only a couple, as well as what looked like significant amounts of wide Kreinik braid in white, which is really impossible to find. Anyway, I had to fight a little for it, but in the end I won and still paid less than $1.00 a spool. The wide braid spools were even better than I'd hoped. I want to try dyeing these myself, so I have lots to experiment with in the future. Also, only a few of the other spools have been used, so most are full-length and in mint condition. Here's all the spools without the labels covering them. It's a really nice variety, and since they still retail anywhere between $3.50 to $5.00 a spool, a great value. I definitely need to get a bigger box for my specialty threads now. :)