Summer has always been my favorite season. As a kid I always looked forward to the long hot months of no school, and being able to read as much as I wanted. I started spending my summers in libraries at the age of ten, and didn't stop until my mom got me a work permit and arranged my first summer job when I was thirteen. After that I had to work every summer at a part-time job until I left home for the military, but I usually got mornings and weekends to myself, and off I'd go to the library.
I know my liking summer confuses some people, but you have to see the year the way I do. For me spring has always been about taxes and cleaning, and trying to figure out the year ahead, all of which are exhausting at times. Fall is when the worst hurricanes hit, and then there's that awful pumpkin spice everything trend that keeps coming back every year (Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so that's the only bright spot.) Winter is cold and all about the Christmas holidays, both of which I do not like. I would skip Christmas entirely if I could.
None of that spoils summer for me. It's bright and hot and everything is green. There are lots of thunder storms, sometimes daily (I love the rain and thunder actually puts me to sleep.) The kids don't have to go to school so they're out riding bikes and having fun. People seem to be happier, too -- maybe like me they love going to the beach.
This summer I'm planning to have a lot of fun at home. I'll be winding up the last phase of my big work project so I'll be able to take some time off and focus on some projects I have planned. Maybe it's selfish to make this season all about me and what I love to do, but I generally devote the rest of the year to others. Summer is mine!
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