It's time for another game of things I want to thrift but only for the minimum bid, the finished quilt edition. I have bid on three different quilts at which I would like to repair, refurbish and add to my collection, but only if I get them cheap.
This scrappy quilt reminded me of one my mother owned and had me repair constantly; a friend of hers had made it out of polyester clothing fabric. I don't know what happened to Mom's (my siblings probably sold it) but I'd like to have this one as a reminder of her.
This row by row outdoors themed quilt needs some repairs, especially around the raw edged applique pieces. I like the outdoors and I wouldn't mind saving it.
I collect double wedding ring quilts, but I don't have a green and white one. This looks pretty old, and may need some minor repairs. Will I win it or the other two? Stay tuned to the blog to find out.
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