My guy and I were cruising a favorite antique mall back in January when I spotted these bags of perle embroidery thread. They're Anchor, DMC and more than a few Finca (and one very big surprise), and most of them were barely used. Every bag had been marked "bowl filler."
I couldn't believe expensive embroidery thread would be used to fill bowls, and I kind of had to save it. Epecially seeing as I only have a couple balls of DMC because it costs so much (like $3.50 to $5.00 for one ball. A set of six can run up to $30.00.) I've also been looking in thrift stores for perle thread because it is so expensive.
Here are the 33 balls out of the bags. They're in mint condition.
What you're looking at here is Valdani variegated perle thread, which runs about $6.00 per ball. That's also why I never buy it because it's so expensive. Just these six are worth $36.00. If you add the other 27 at $3.00 per ball resale, you're looking at about $117.00 worth of thread. I paid $21.00 for all of it. Savings: $96.00.
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