I'm in the process of making the second mini-quilt for my 2025 calendar project, and once again I have so much respect for quilters and sewists who do needle-turned applique. This one little bunny near about drove me crazy trying to sew it to my mini.
This improvised piece has been slowly developing over the last week, and I have one last addition to the tableau before I call it done. I'm going to embroider 자신을 사랑하세요 on the right side, which in English means love yourself.
I printed out the words in a large font so I could reference them while stitching, and used a disappearing marker to write them character by character on the piece to give myself embroidery lines.
Here's the final mini-quilt. Since 2023 (the year of the rabbit in the Chinese zodiac) I've been quietly working on ways to be kind to and love myself instead of depending on kindness and love from others. These calendar projects are definitely part of that effort.
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