I got a lot done in December, starting with this holiday-themed bag that I made and filled with sugarfree treats for our brother-in-law, whom we visited at his assisted living facility for Christmas. He's 86 and still going strong. The back of the bag. We had such a good time talking about our younger years, when we would all get together to celebrate special occasions. It was a really nice day. I made some homemade furoshiki (with admittedly mixed results) for wrapping gifts sustainably. I mended this Calvin Klein sample shirt that I got in a lot of mendables from Fabscrap. The shirt is a man's but fits me perfectly, so I'm wearing it this winter. :) I mended and embellished an old crazy quilt patchwork block to make a top for this storage box. I cleaned and framed this vintage cross stitch Santa sampler that came in a thrifted lot of fabric. I also cleaned and then finished stitching this cross stitch sampler from the same lot. I...