Since I griped yesterday about the holiday gifts I don't want, here are:
Ten Things I Do Want for Christmas
Coffee: I have all the tea I can possibly drink for the next year, but I actually don't have much coffee. I don't need a big package of it, as I drink only two cups per day. If you can find an interesting variety* for cheap, I'd love to try it.
DVD Movie or Show: I love historicals, mysteries and nonfiction documentaries about history. You don't have to buy this one, either, if you have a movie or show on DVD you're done watching, pass it along to me.
Holiday Book Date: Here's the easiest gift ever. Go to a thrift or used book store, buy any book that you think I'd enjoy reading (the cheaper the better), wrap it in plain brown paper and write "Blind Christmas Date" on the outside. If you can't afford a used book, give me one you already own.
One Yard of Fabric: This is a gift I often exchange with quilter friends during the holidays: 36" of fabric in the color and/or print of your choice. It's another easy gift to thrift; just go to the bedding section of the store and look through the sheets. At my Goodwill they usually run about $2 to $5. My only request is that you make sure it's cotton or linen.
Ornament: There's always room on my Christmas tree for another ornament. Love the homemade variety especially.
Plant: We have a little garden in which we grow herbs and veggies; anything that grows in our zone (9b) is welcome. I don't keep plants in the house because of the pups, but I have some on my porches if you'd rather go for a decorative plant.
Photo Brag Book: If you have some cool pics to share from the past year, a vacation, or things you've accomplished, get a little album from the dollar store and fill it with pics. If you can't afford prints, print out your pics on a home color printer. Bonus points for add little captions to the pics to tell me their backstory.
Seeds: Another nice thing for our garden. We love green beans, cucumber, carrots, lettuces, melons and peppers of the not-so-hot variety.
Something Written: I love letters, poems, songs, stories or whatever you want to share with me. Bonus points for handwriting this gift.
Sugarfree treats: Anything made with stevia is welcome (I do love Russell Stover stevia-based candies, and Vortmann's sugarfree cookies.) Sucralose is okay, too. I prefer not to eat anything with asparteme in it.
*Please, no pumpkin spice flavored coffee.
Image credit: Yevhen Buzuk from Pixabay
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