Along with thrifting my guy and I have been shopping at outlets and big lot/remainder stores like Ollie's, which is where I bought everything in this post.
Laundry detergent has become a big ticket item for us, and I've even changed how often I do the wash in order to make bigger loads and conserve detergent. This Gain is different from the original scent I use, but we sniffed it and didn't mind it, so we brought it home for $13.99. Even with my 5% discount I pay $15.19 for the same size at Target. That's a savings of just $1.20, but hey, every little bit helps.
Will I pay $32.00 for any hardcover novel? Nope. Will I pay $4.99 for a remaindered $32.00 hardcover novel that I've wanted to read for a while? You're darn right I will.
I have been collecting recipes off the internet for years now, and I've kept them in a plain black binder that has seen better days. Also, it has no splash guard, so when I cook I have to put it on the other counter across from where I'm working or risking dribbling on the recipes. Lo and behold, I found a large recipe binder that comes with printed tab dividers, pages I can print out recipes on, a note pad, three magnets and not one but two splash guards, all for $9.99.
I love outletting!
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