The other night I dreamed I was back in the military, and stationed with a bunch of interesting men and women stateside, maybe in Washington DC. We lived in a pretty nice dorm, and for some reason I was in charge of KP. I spent most of the dream cooking (just the same as when I pulled KP duty in real life; you spend all day working in a huge kitchen), prepping my uniform and listening to my roommate's stories about home while I waxed and polished the hallway floors with a buffer (did that a lot in California.)
Every detail was very vivid, as were the people in the dream. There was an older officer with silver hair that I looked up to, a brunette who was very nice to me, and a couple of younger soldiers who had just enlisted. I looked after those two as they adjusted to our way of life. Everything I liked about serving my country was in the dream, so I didn't want to wake up. Yet when I finally did wake, I felt glad that it was over. I liked being in the military a lot, and it straightened me out and made me a better person, but I don't want to go down that road again.
It's funny that I'm having all these vivid dreams at this time of life. I've always been a busy dreamer, with long, colorful and interesting stories that take all night to get through, and sometimes end up becoming stories and books that I write. But lately I seem to be dreaming overtime. It's fun. :)
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