I have been looking around for a couple of months to find some smallish, sturdy boxes to thrift for a project, with no luck until I found this lot of vintage cigar boxes. One is made of wood; the rest are cardboard. I'll be detoxing the tobacco smell out of them for a few weeks before I get into that project. Run a search for vintage cigar boxes and you'll see how these can run anywhere from $10.00 to $50.00 or more for really rare boxes; I paid $12.91 for all five.
This is my nicest thrift haul to date for 2024: a home supply lot with all brand-new items. The cookie press alone is worth $14.99, which is what I paid for the entire lot. I thought the dash cam was a car mount for one, but it's actually a neat little cam and the mount.
This flood light also came with the lot; my guy grabbed it and put it out in the garage as its a type that he uses all the time outside. It retails for $14.99 new.
After looking up the prices for everything else I discovered I'd have to pay a total of $227.90 to buy all of this new. Savings: $212.91.
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