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A Day with the Kitties

While my favorite person was visiting last month we stopped by our local no-kill cat shelter to make a donation and visit with the kitties.

Happily there aren't as many cats at the shelter as in years past; I'll guess they've had many adoptions since the beginning of the pandemic. One beat-up little gray cat fell in love with my girl.

I was also very happy to see several people come in while we were visiting with donations of food and supplies for the shelter. I asked the lady running the place if she could use some quilts, and she was very happy about the chance to get some fresh bedding for the kitties, so now I have to get together some quilts to donate.

I spent a happy half-hour petting this little guy, who fell in love with me. Although we are maxed out on pets I'll go back soon to visit him again.


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