Thursday, January 4, 2024

A No-Resolution Resolution

Now that we've reached 2024, you may wonder if I've made any resolutions or chosen a thematic word for the year or any other practice that starts on January 1st. The answer is no, as I'm pretty much done with all that.

At the moment we have a lot going on. After we finish the kitchen renovation (which I hope will be done by the time this post publishes) we have to start picking out materials for the guest bathroom shower rebuild. My favorite person arrives for a visit in a few weeks, too. I also have to continue to step up my exercise and make more changes to what I eat; I'm trying a low-carb version of the Mediterranean Diet. Both efforts are to help improve some health issues, and I started them back in November, so they have nothing to do with the start of 2024. I would like to spend less this year and save more, but that's always a goal for a frugal person.

Thanks to thrifting last year, I certainly don't need any crochet materials. I have a new set of crochet hooks coming in that were a Christmas gift, thanks to a wonderful friend.

It's great to be able to make my annual daily mood project entirely out of thrifted yarn, too.

Same goes for fabric for quilting. I'm good.

Anyway, this need to make ourselves feel like we have so much to improve at the beginning of every new year has always been a burden for me. For many legitimate reasons I've felt inadequate most of my life. Yet I never allowed those feelings to hold me back or make me give up my dreams. I believed that if you want something badly enough, and you're willing to work at it for however long it takes, you can make a dream come true. I did.

Realizing that is why while I no longer feel a need to improve myself in some way. I've accepted that I am good enough exactly as I am. Every new year is simply a gift now.

Here's my thought if you're contemplating making a New Year's Resolution: resolve to love yourself for who you are, right now. Accept that you are good enough just as you are. That would be a wonderful thing.

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