I always buy myself a little got-through-Christmas reward every year; it's a tradition that helps me cope with the stress of the holidays. I really needed this ritual this year, too. My budget is always $50.00. This year I decided to try thrifting what I wanted with the same budget, and first bid on and won this vintage floral brooch collection for $9.99, or about 55 cents each.
My next thrift was this bundle of twelve McCall's Quilting magazines. This is my favorite quilting magazine dating back to the eighties, and I don't own any of these issues. Cost: $7.50, or about 62 cents each.
Finally I needed a few more colors of yarn for my 2024 calendar crochet blanket, so I bid on and won this 22 lb. lot of colorful yarn for $11.99, which works out to 54 cents a pound. Altogether I spent $29.48 on the three lots, which is well within my annual budget. :)
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