I burn through a lot of journals every year, and they're not getting any cheaper, so being able to thrift these four made me quite happy. Two are guided (the big goals on the left and the Be Happy second from the right) which just means they have prompts or questions to answer; the other two are blank.
The cat cover journal is missing a few pages at the front; likely someone tore them out before donating it. I don't mind; this will make an excellent journal to carry in my purse.
The Be Happy journal has a religious theme, which I also don't mind (you say God, I say Universe or Fate) and I like the theme; it's very upbeat. This might even be a gratitude journal, and it doesn't hurt to remember to be thankful.
All the pages in the blue wrapped seahorse journal look like this. Love it.
The goals journal has some funny and inspiring quotes on every left page, as well as list planner pages on the right. I like making goal lists so I might use this one for my monthly creative projects.
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