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Three Times a Calamity

On Monday I took a pic of this Chinese cookie fortune. I'd gotten it when we tried a new place for takeout (which was very good, just a bit pricey) and saved it because of the spelling mistake. Little did I know that it was the universe warning me that fifteen minutes later the calamity part would actually arrive, and my old theory that bad luck always comes in threes was proven right yet again.

This is my laptop, or rather, this is my laptop after I took it apart to see if the glass of water I spilled on its keyboard that day soaked through to the battery. I flipped it over immediately, so only a couple drops got on the battery. My guy thinks if we let it dry out for 48 hours we might be able to save it.

Two minutes after my guy and I finished taking apart my laptop to inspect and then set it up to dry out, I noticed that our nine-year-old dishwasher was still running -- four hours after I turned it on. The timer dial apparently stopped working, so we looked at getting a replacement, but it was too much money. So we decided to buy a new dishwasher, and found one on sale at Lowe's.

For the third and final bit of calamity, as we got in the truck to go get the new dishwasher we discovered the a/c in the truck isn't working. So, okay, Universe, I got the message already. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop adding to my propserity now, please.


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