It's rare to have a perfect day anymore. Life's frustrations, the ongoing fear-mongering and rampant bigotry in the world are depressing (to me, anyway.) I don't like people much anymore, and I have to struggle a lot with urges to completely withdrawal into myself. I'm old, I'm tired, and I simply do not want to deal with these angry hate-filled folks because they poison me with their toxic crap. I don't believe I'm alone in feeling this way, either.
Fortunately my guy realizes what I go through in trying to cope with all this, I think, and drags me out of the house to run errands or go for a drive, when he's really just trying to get me away from it all. This practice is why we enjoyed a perfect day last month by making a trek we do once or twice a year, and stopping for lunch at a roadhouse. The food was pre-pandemic plentiful and absolutely delicious; my haddock sandwich was the best I've ever had. A really good meal is an automatic boost to the spirits; we also had a server who was just marvelous.
From there we then went to the Russell Stover outlet to get some sugar-free candy for me. This is always like my personal Christmas.
We were still too full from lunch when we got home to bother with dinner, but we decided to have some watermelon from the garden. This is the smaller of the two we had growing, which we had to harvest due to the stem turning brown. We thought it might not be ripe.
It was crisp and sweet and absolutely delicious. I'm so grateful to the dear friend who sent me the seeds. :)
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