I'm falling behind on several projects, which makes me annoyed with myself. My progress on the thrifted clothing fabric quilt has been frustratingly slow. I'm mired down with spring cleaning the last two rooms, which are probably going to take until summer arrives. My guy has been busy pressure cleaning the outside of the house, so I've been taking care of the dogs solo, including their long walks, which takes up more of my time. All of these things combine to drag me down.
On the upside? I've finally gotten into the rhythm of working on my latest project for the day job, but I had a lousy couple of days with that. I did finish our hurricane prep, and now have everything in place to weather another storm season, but I still wonder if it's enough. I'm constantly second-guessing myself.
Although I have a good routine established with housework and the day job, sometimes I can't get into it. I know some of the culprits are lack of sleep (I had a bad time last week with insomnia), physical limitations (I'm definitely feeling my age and afflictions more keenly these days) and general blahness. Like everyone I get tired of all the demands on me. I'm really sick of the internet, too. All this doom and glooming and hatred makes me sick.
How do I combat all this aggravation? I'm writing a little every day in a new journal about how fortunate I am, and what does make me happy in my daily life (i.e. reaching my work quota, the pups, a nice walk.) I'm cooking up a storm, and in the last couple of weeks I've discovered three new delicious recipes. I made oatmeal raisin cookies that are safe for me to eat that my guy actually loved. I'm fighting the frustration with positivity and creation, and it's working to slowly pull me out of this blue period.
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