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After the Comet

Black Knight is a short dystopian k-drama series that looks at what life might be like on Earth after a comet strike that wipes out 99% of us. This disaster also turns the Korean peninsula into a barren desert with air so polluted oxygen becomes a commodity. That, water and food are delivered to the social-class-status divided population by superheroic delivery drivers. If that wasn't enough, plans are in the works to provide a new community for the comet survivors, but the snobbish son of the CEO wants it only for society's elite, and takes drastic steps to wipe out the common rabble.

The story loosely revolves around two leads: 5-8 (Kim Woo-bin), a legendary delivery driver who was once involved in a rebellion, and Yoon Sa-Wol (Kang You-seok), a young refugee boy who hero worships 5-8 and wants to become a delivery driver as well. Both become entangled in the plot by Ryu Seok (Song Seung-heon), that snobby CEO's son, to wipe out the refugees so only the best people are saved. There's a driver competition Sa-Wol joins that is beyond brutal, but that's only the beginning . . . and then you start to see that 5-8 has plans of his own for the future world.

This is a very bleak look at a quite dismal turn of events for us and our planet, and some of the science is definitely a stretch (oxygen is produced from processing a non-existant ore.) There is a lot of violence as well, for becoming a delivery driver seems to be the only guarantee of survival for the common people, so they viciously fight for it during the competition. Then there are mutant humans (science also wonky here) who are despised by the CEO son antagonist, and yet may be the only means with which he can go on living. Stakes can't possibly get higher, and everything depends on the highest and lowest in society, but it all comes apart and yet together in the end. I thought it was interesting and at times quite absorbing. Available now on Netflix.


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