I always thought the stories about washing machines eating socks or clothes were just myths. Then an old, thin pillow case I like to use for my neck-support pillow suddenly vanished. I thought I had put it in to wash with our bedsheets, but when I unloaded the washer it was gone. I searched the washer, even running my fingers around the base of the agitator in case it was stuck there, but I couldn't find it.
I drove myself crazy thinking I'd dropped it while loading the machine, and searched the laundry room from top to bottom. I even blamed the dogs, thinking one of them had grabbed it and hid it somewhere. My guy suggested I'm so busy these days I'm forgetting what I do with things (which is true sometimes.)
Ten days later, I'm unloading the washer and I see what looked like a stained, dirty rag sticking out of the bottom of the agitator. I had just finished the load so I couldn't understand why it was so filthy. It was so stuck my guy had to pull it out, and it looked all chewed up, which didn't make sense until I spread it out.
Yep. It's the missing pillowcase.
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