In the garden things are rolling right along for spring. My guy planted a new bunch of lettuce and brussel sprouts in our new big bed.
We eat a lot of salads, and since lettuce is just getting more and more expensive we thought we'd try growing it.
Brussel sprouts are one of my favorite veggies, so I'm always glad to have them in the garden.
Although it's only 3/4 of the way grown I'm using our celery as I need it, but once it reaches full growth I'm going to process and freeze it all for future recipes.
We just picked and ate most of the mature radishes, but more are on the way. Our second planting of Cosmic carrots have also sprouted.
The watermelon managed to survive the worst of winter, and is now getting ready to bloom.
We picked the last of the grapefruit, and Mom's tree gave us a whopping 25 grapefruit this year. The lemons on our new Meyer tree are just now starting to turn yellow.
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