Sunday, February 5, 2023

In the Garden

Sometimes plants amaze me. Aside from radishes, which seem to love our climate year-round, the cosmic carrots grown from seed that Maria kindly sent to me are hardly little guys. All of the plants that grew survived three nights of hard freezes, as well as resisted all the little bugs and slugs that damaged some of our other veggies. We are definitely growing them again.

Our new lemon tree is flowering for the fourth time since we planted it. It now has three generations of lemons growing on it in different stages of development. We lost some little lemons during the freezes, but it promptly budded and flowered again in the days that followed. I've never seen a tree more determined to thrive.

Another stubborn survivor in the decorative garden is this croton plant, which we assumed had died once before during a previous winter freeze. To our surprise it grew back the next spring. This time around my guy covered it during the long stretch of freezes, and it seems fine.

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