My reward for finishing the latest novel for work was collecting some vintage ephemera for a couple of projects. This lovely old velvet drawstring reticule has cut steel beading, which dates it to maybe the turn of the 20th century; the hesitation points for me is the ribbon drawstrings (they used cords mostly back then) and the sewn-on rhinestone piece, which might have been a later addition. It's also in very good condition, especially the velvet, which tends to bald over time. Still, I've seen reticules of the same shape with the same kind of beading that were dated by a reliable source to 1910, so it's a toss-up. I may actually do nothing but treasure this piece because it's so gorgeous.
This adorable mushroom ornament was crafted from an old crazy quilt patch, beads and a cinnamon stick as a stem.
I've got a nice pile of vintage bits and bobs to play around with; maybe for a shadow box-type project.
Also a nice mini collection of old clothespins. Stay tuned to see what I make out of all this.
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