A couple of months ago I saw and picked up a faux gilded autumn leaf in a parking lot while we were out shopping. I usually find these in the yard when my neighbor's fall decorations begin shedding, and make them into quilted pieces (she still has no idea I do this.) I hand washed the fake leaf when I got home and put it in the sewing room to wait and see what it wanted to be.
I have a bag of scrap linen bits that I saved from bigger projects and keep to use in textile art projects, too, as well as bags of unusual buttons. I never throw away the bubble wrap that comes in my packages; I always find a way to reuse even the smallest scraps.
One of my art prompts last month was to go on a scavenger hunt around the house and make something out of the objects I found. That's how Twice, my little Goddess of Repurposing, came into being. She's now hanging out on the idea board in my office to remind me to reuse and recycle as much as possible. :)
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