I started my spring cleaning a couple of weeks ago, focusing first on my kitchen cabinets. It's a daunting task to clean any room if you try to do the whole thing at once, so I work on one cabinet a day. This is my reusable containers and kitchen gadgets cabinet, which always ends up disordered with mismatched or missing lids or bottoms. I took everything out, wiped down the shelves, matched everything up, and then put it all back in a workable order.
Ditto with my cabinet of baking and cooking stuff -- these are all things I use a lot, some daily, so I keep them here by the stove instead of in the pantry closet. I also had a ton of expired specialty vinegars and oils my favorite person stored here from her apartment when she went off on her adventures around the world, so it was a good time to get rid of all that stuff.
Cleaning also turns up missing things. Last Christmas I went looking for this old-fashioned pottery cookie stamp that a friend gave me many years ago. At the time I couldn't find it, and made do with cookie cutters instead.
I really treasure this little thing, so I was glad I found it again. I'll have to use it to make some cookies for Valentine's Day.
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