I made another order from Fabscrap, this time for scrap packs of lace, green fabric, purple fabric, and multi cotton. Today I'll show you just the lace pile.
I was really bowled over at the colors and variety of lace I received. I've always wanted to make a lace quilt of my own design, but I rarely use lace except for crazy quilting, so I never acquired enough to make a try. Now I can.
All the pieces are very generous, and the patterns are all different. The quality is insanely wonderful.
Some of the pieces are intricate and have patterns I've never before seen.
Having all these colors and patterns to work with is so amazing. The quality of the entire pile is like new. I never expected the lace to be this nice, and once more I'm dismayed that this fabric might otherwise be in a landfull. Since lace tends to be expensive, to buy even 1/8 yards of this in all these colors would cost major $$$.
Stop in tomorrow and I'll show you pics of the rest of the haul.
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