This is the track of Hurricane Ian as of 9/26, and from what we're seeing combined with much past experience this storm will likely be a lot like Irma was in 2017, maybe a little worse. We're on the dirty side, which means an increased threat of tornadoes if the track holds (we did get side-swiped by one with Irma, too.) Our power and internet will likely be out for a week or more. So that's the bad news.
On the plus side, my guy and I both grew up in the tropics and have survived many major hurricanes. We will be very careful, not take any risks at all and ride it out like we always do. I've scheduled about a week and a half of posts to publish on the blog during my absence.
I'll return as soon as I can and post how we made out once things go back to normal. Until then, please send good thoughts our way. :)
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