I decided to look at everything I want to do this summer besides work on the linen quilt (which I will probably need another four or five months to complete.) This is (almost) everything, clockwise from the bottom left: repairing some crazy quilt pieces, making some cutwork pieces into a bag, quilting a small wedding ring quilt top, working to refine and better execute my first original embroidery design on some cut quilt pieces, making another slow-stitched beach bag, repairing an embroidered tablecloth, and of course my annual art quilt.
I'd like to make some fabric journals as well, but I need to collect some more materials for those. I'm also aware that I'll be lucky if I get half of these projects finished before fall arrives, but I like to challenge myself.
Each summer I've been making an art quilt, which arguably could be the linen quilt I've been working on, but I had another idea I want to try out. These are me at my most innovative, and completely of my own design. This is just the pile of materials I sorted out for this one project; I may add or take away from it as I keep thinking through the idea.
While sorting I found three pieces of beautiful watercolor fabric remnants and a hand-dyed swatch that I've wanted to make into a bag for a while now. Since I'm taking a long break from the linen quilt, this is where I'll start.
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