I started embroidering the linen quilt last week, and made some decisions on embellishments, although I reserve the right to change my mind down the road. I won't be using anything but #3 perle cotton thread for the needlework, and I put away the beads and lace. I just want this quilt to be linen and thread.
For guidelines (and to sketch out embroidery shapes on the linen) I'm using a disappearing fabric marker -- but sparingly. I discovered it's not disappearing, for one thing, and I trust my eye more than my hand these days.
I'm also working very slowly. The first patch took three nights to complete, and I'm on night three with the circling feather stitch in the next one. I imagine this quilt will take at least six to eight months to finish. This pic shows how I work on the quilt, no hoop (I find it's easier to work without one), plus I pinned the quilt together with a million or so safety pins, so it's not moving.
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