I have an old corkboard in my home office that I used for inspiration for a side project, but I decided against pursuing that idea, so I took down everything (which made me a little sad, honestly.) To fill up the space I pinned some of my little slow stitch projects, along with two beadwork pieces by one of my favorite artists. Which made me realize I really need an embroidery idea board like this, as I can look at it while I'm working on the computer and let the ideas percolate.
The little burlap bag hanging from the edge has an interesting backstory. Once I became successful in my current job I paid off my only credit card before I closed the account and cut up the card (the pieces of which are in that bag.) It was such a relief to not owe anyone money anymore, and put the money I was paying for the monthly credit card bill into a retirement account. Since then I either pay cash for what I purchase, or go without -- and the little bag is to remind me to keep doing that. :)
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