Babysitting the puppies during our current renovations doesn't allow me to do much, and I needed to think about my new work project and ten thousand other things, so I spent one afternoon just practice stitching on the fabric I harvested from the lumpy cutter piece. This is how much I did in a few hours. I also renewed my suspicion that chenille embroidery thread hates me almost as much as moire satin fabric and viscose thread do.
Here's the finished piece. I'm getting slower instead of faster with my needlework, but it takes longer for me to line things up by eye (I don't draw lines or use any markings.) I have some issues with my stitching hand, too. But I'm happy I can still do this; my first practice piece tells me I can tackle embroidering another linen quilt with some confidence. Which is the whole point of practicing.
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