My guy and I have self-isolated since the pandemic began, and I feel that we have done all we can to protect ourselves and those around us. We were vaccinated as soon as we qualified. We have always worn masks and maintained proper social distance in public places, and still do. We gave up dining in restaurants and only occasionally get take-out. We have put up with supply shortages. We really only leave home if we need something from the market, the home improvement store or the post office. I've sewn masks for our family, friends and neighbors, and learned to make my own hand soap and sanitizer.
I lost my mother and a good friend during this pandemic. That grief, as well as the fear of losing more people I love, lingers in my heart.
In March it will be two years since the virus changed our lives. We'll go on being sensible and doing what we should in order to survive. I try to calm myself when I become particularly fearful or frustrated, and reassure myself that it won't be forever. Some days it's easier than others. Some days I almost forget. Other days, like today, like everyone else, I just have to still be here.
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