Here's something that troubles me: earlier this month one of the patchwork images I posted on Twitter drew close to a thousand views in one day, and added a bunch of folks to my followers. That was not my intention in posting that image; I just wanted to show it to the friends I've made among the textile art community because I thought it was interesting. I keep forgetting anyone can see what I do on that platform. This happened only once before when I showed an image of an embroidery technique I use with metallic thread and burnout velvet.
I know the whole point of social media is to make connections and build a following, especially among professionals, but these sudden bursts of popularity make me nervous. I've always been slow to make friends, but I prefer that. Also, I'm just doing this for fun. I don't intend to open an online shop or sell my textile art. All this attention is wasted on me.
Ah, well. I'd like it if I can divert the temporarily influx of attention to the pros I've befriended. Never hurts to promote your pals.
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