A few years ago I pitched a series project idea at work that ended up on the back burner while we did other things. I wasn't upset; this kind of thing happens to every working writer. I never forgot about that idea, though, as I liked it a lot and thought it would be fun to write.
When I got a chance to submit it again this year I revised it, of course, but the basic concept was the same. I then got some great feedback on my first pass review, which I incorporated before I submitted it a second time. Sometimes this process can take several attempts before I get approval. Sometimes even with revisions it still doesn't work and the idea gets bounced or back-burnered. For these reasons I try not to get too attached to any project, but I was cautiously hopeful.
Turned out that the third time was a charm, as the project idea got approved this week. I have to do a bit of research this weekend, and then on Monday I'll get started on the new series.
I'm so happy. I love my job. :)
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