Last week I took my guy to get some take-out lunch, which we had at this little park down by the lake. All the tourists have descended in town, but hardly anyone was here, so we had the park to ourselves. Eating take-out where we can avoid people -- usually sitting in the truck in a parking lot -- is one of the new normals for us.
There is no more good news lately. I read an article in The Atlantic the other day about the terrible impact the latest wave of the virus and the unvaccinated are having on hospitals and our exhausted health care workers. The author warned the readers to stay off ladders and not take any risks that could injure them, because expecting timely emergency care is no longer a normal. There were also a few hints that our healthcare system could simply collapse and basically everyone would be on their own. I wonder if this was fact-based, or simply more fear-mongering to sell online subscriptions. I can't tell anymore.
Writing makes me happy, and quilting keeps me calm. My guy is trying to be a better companion, the puppies are a constant delight, and I have my online friends to remind me that I am not alone in this. I expect as long as I stay healthy I'll be okay. I don't know for sure what the future holds, but no one else does, either. We just have to keep going, day by day.
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