Some new cows have moved onto the property behind ours; they come to the fence now when they hear the puppies barking as they run around the yard. Since her udders are full I think the spotted white cow might be the small dark brown calf's mother.
The little dark calf skittered away when I got closer to take some pictures, but this bigger red guy stayed and posed for me. Of course we never attempt to pet or touch the cows or any of the farm animals that live around us. Cows can get scared or aggressive, and there's only a couple strands of wire between us and them.
I spent most of my life living in cities and suburbs, so I never get tired of seeing animals in the country. When I see them I'm always calling "Look, Honey, cows!" to my guy, who thinks I'm a dingbat. But hey, cows are cool.
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