This week I'm beginning my new project for work, which is an exciting but also anxious time for me. I write alone in my home office eight hours a day, and unless there's a big problem I can't resolve by myself I have no one with whom to share this part of the work. Everything I do over the next month will determine what I do, and how well I do it, for the next half of the year. I need to be creative, original and inventive every day. I try not to think about the weight of that burden so it doesn't get between me and the work, but it's always there, like a big angry cow ready to trample me if I hesitate on the path.
When I begin a project I am very good to myself. I quilt every day on my breaks, which helps keep me from tensing up or brooding. I drink my favorite teas (including an herbal blend that helps me sleep better) and give myself little rewards when I reach my daily goals. I increase my efforts to stay away from things that depress (news) or upset me (politics) or make me angry (toxic people). I read my favorite books for pleasure, and I also write a lot in my desk journal.
I don't mind working alone -- I prefer it -- and I have a lot of experience with bearing the responsibilities. I will remind myself frequently of how lucky I am to have a creative profession, and how happy I feel to be able to do what I love for a living. More than anything that keeps the big angry cow out of my way.
Image credit: matak from Pixabay
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