I had some housework to catch up on, so I haven't yet started on the quilt project I had planned for this week. Tomorrow I'm going to clean out my sewing room and make it puppy-friendly, and then I'll have the proper space to work on a larger piece. In the meantime, I'm still practicing my stitching on this cutter quilt piece.
I've been thinking about 2022, and what I'd like to do for the next year. I wrote up my thoughts and ideas on that for work to be discussed at a virtual business meeting, which we will probably hold next week. After five years I still love my job, and I'm very grateful to be working.
I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore, and I don't think I need to change anything I do drastically. My guy and I already live a simple, healthy lifestyle. I have things I'd like to do, such as getting outdoors more frequently this year, perhaps by being more involved with the gardening. I'd also like to design more of my own quilts, try some three-dimensional textile art, and maybe do a themed series of small art quilts. None of these things are set in stone; I've learned to be flexible.
This week my favorite person had a 27th birthday; I'd like to see her one time in 2022. Hopefully life and circumstances permit that. I miss her a lot.
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