Thanks to our humid subtropical climate here it seems like we may be able to garden year-round. This is the second season for our strawberry plants, who are loving the chillier weather.
The potted herbs are also thriving. I've now harvested and dried enough chives, oregano and Italian parsley to last me well into the new year, so I'm going to make up some containers for my neighbors.
Our broccoli plant grew so tall we had to tie it to a dowel for support.
The brussel sprouts are smaller, but doing well, too. The just-sprouted radishes are probably our tenth planting; they grow very fast and we can harvest them every couple of weeks.
There are a few pole beans left on the vines, but their season is definitely over now. We will plant them again in the spring.
The bell peppers have just sprouted, too. I'm very hopeful they will stay healthy as I cook with peppers all the time.
Three more brussel sprout plant in another pot. If we get a bumper crop I may blanch and freeze most of them in single-serving bags, as I'm the only one who likes them.
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