Things I Would Rather Not Have for Christmas
Appliances: This was my guy's default gift for me, so now I own them all, especially in the kitchen. No, really, I do.
Clothes: Dressing up is not something I do; I almost always wear t-shirts and leggings, and I have plenty. Also, my mother would buy me clothes every year, always two sizes too small for me because she thought I was still sixteen.
E-Books: I prefer reading print copies of books. I think it's because I have to read from a screen all day for work.
Gadgets: Not a gadget or technology person. I've had a smart phone for six months and I still need help making a phone call on it.
DIY Stuff in a Jar: Thanks, but I already have enough to do.
Jewelry: Only very small earrings fit me (my ears are kid-size) and I don't bother with them very often, or wear any other jewelry.
Make-up: With this super sensitive skin of mine I can't wear it. Even the hypoallergenic brands make me break out in a rash.
Perfume: See make-up.
Soap: See perfume and make-up.
Socks: Another default gift from holidays and birthdays past, so I own like nine thousand pairs already.
So what do you get as a gift for a hard-to-buy-for person like me? I always recommend getting together to share tea, a meal or a long walk. Those are the things I treasure most.
Image Credit: Couleur at Pixabay
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