Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Garden Explosion

A hot, rainy start to storm season has made our gardens grow like weeds. In the kitchen garden the strawberries are still producing and spreading (I think they want to take over the backyard), and all the herbs are going crazy, too.

I've got fresh parsley now (center) so I'll probably make paella this week.

Apparently you have to do something special to make the artichoke produce a choke, but since me and my guy are not especially fond of them we're just going to try to keep it alive for our favorite person (she planted it).

The veggie garden is going wild as well.

The basil is seriously over-producing. We cut back all three plants back once already, and I've dried enough to last me all year from that. We'll have to do it again now and share the wealth with the neighbors.

I'm going to harvest the scallions this week and make dak-kochi with them.

The regular yellow onions are still pretty small, but we're hopeful they'll get bigger once we cut back the pole bean vines so they can get more sunlight.

This is one of the last harvest of pole beans; the vines have stopped flowering. We might get one more; I left some little beans on the vines to grow a bit larger.

My guy is doing all the work looking after the gardens now, so he gets all the credit. :)

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