Dear Mom,
This is the first year I won't be able to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, so instead I'm planting a tree for you today. It's a white grapefruit, just like the one we had in the back yard when I was a little girl. You always asked me to pick the fruit from the very top branches because I was the best tree climber in the family, and I knew how to avoid the thorns. That is true of our relationship, too.
I know I disappointed you because I never became the person you wanted me to be. I'm sorry for that, but I'm glad that I learned from it. It taught me not only to cherish the people I love, but also to treat them with respect. I wish you and I could have had that, but I have no regrets. You couldn't pick your daughter anymore than I could pick my mother. I also think we both tried to be good to each other despite our differences.
I don't know where you are now, but I'm hoping you're with Dad, and at peace. That is all I wish for you.
Here's your tree:
Happy Mother's Day.
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