My state has opened up Covid-19 vaccinations for everyone 18+, so my guy and I called to schedule ours last week. Yesterday we went to get our first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at one of our local health department's sites, about twenty minutes from home.
The site was in an old store that went out of business last year, and looked quite busy. Despite there being about a thousand people waiting to get vaccinated, everything moved along very quickly; we never stood for more than a few seconds at any point. We checked in, and then went to registration to sign the consent forms, all of which took about 15 minutes.
After that we went straight to the nurses, who gave us the shots (neither of us felt the needles) and then to a waiting area where we sat for 15 minutes before leaving. My arm felt a little sore, but that was my only immediate reaction to the vaccine. Total time it took was about 45 minutes.
While I was with the nurse getting my shot they also scheduled an appointment for my second dose in three weeks at the same location. All things considered, the process seemed really speedy and completely painless.
I felt tired yesterday afternoon, and my arm remained a bit sore, but I experienced no other changes from being vaccinated. It's been over a year now since the pandemic began, and in all that time I have not visited friends, dined out or gone anywhere but the grocery store and the pharmacy. I will still mask up and maintain social distance in public, but I'm finally feeling hopeful.
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