Are You Human Too? is a Korean television SF show that tells the story of an android taking the place of his human twin, the heir to a chaebol (rich family) conglomerate. Nam Sin (the human) is badly injured during an assassination attempt and ends up in a coma. While enemies plot to kill Sin and take over the corporation, his robot alter must step into his shoes to hold his place in the hierarchy, and learn what it means to be human.
I discovered this show via a bunch of fanmade videos on Youtube that really intrigued me. Sadly I couldn't find it on Netflix, so I invested in the DVD version. It's going to take me a while to watch all 36 episodes, but so far it's been definitely worth the price. Seo Kang-Joon, the actor who plays both the android and the human, is totally convincing as two different versions of the same man. Lots of fun and action and romance, and some interesting special effects, too.
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