When I have to make a decision I prefer to get it over with rather than worry about or overthink it. The few times I end up stuck on the fence is when I have too many choices or I'm tired. Right now I'm a bit of both. I'm still not convinced of what should be the next step for me; I have multiple options available to me but none of them seem to be the clear path. I'm also working on resetting my sleep schedule so I'm not up all night working, and that's an exhausting process.
I know I don't want to go back to what I was doing before I made my career change; I've been much happier away from all that, and my income is stable and reliable now. I work with people instead of for them, which I also like. I also choose who I work with, something I couldn't do before now. If you've ever been forced to work with someone you would otherwise personally avoid, you'll understand what I mean.
I'll keep thinking about it for now, but I have to make a decision by the end of summer. I'll be ready to make the jump by then, and I don't want to sit on this fence forever.
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