I've had this debate with myself ever since I quit my last job. I never wanted to self-publish; I just want to write. But if I want to do a book series from start to finish entirely on my own, and make all the decisions without compromising, I have to. Of course I can learn how to from all the online tutorials there are now. I think (with some help from friends on the technical side if I get stuck) I could do a good job of it. Mainly I want to do it on my own.
I'd like to have an entire series written before I try, though, so this might end up sitting on the back burner for a while. I want to write a six-book series for this idea, and I already have almost 30K of the second novel written. So maybe another seven or eight months of work before I even attempt to publish it.
Anyway. Happy I accomplished this. It's the first for-me book I've finished writing in a long time.
Image by Ambady Sasi from Pixabay
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